Dental Damages Comfortably Covered with Dental Crowns
Dental Damages Comfortably Covered with Dental Crowns
October 1, 2021

Saviour Dental Crowns

Your teeth can wear down over time and suffer damages for various reasons. For example, you may have tooth decay or injuries causing the cracks, or your teeth may lose shape and size. You may wonder how you can improve the appearance and strength of your teeth besides your smile but will express happiness when you learn a dental cap comfortably helps cover the damaged tooth.

Dental crowns are teeth caps placed over the damaged teeth to encase them entirely. The crowns protect, cover, and restore the shape of your teeth if fillings cannot accomplish the task. You can consider having porcelain teeth to encase a damaged tooth in the aesthetic zone of your mouth, functioning like a snug hat over the damaged tooth. Dental crowns restore the tooth’s shape, appearance, strength, and size.

Why Many You Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are beneficial for various reasons, including:

Restoring broken teeth or one severely worn.

Covering a tooth without significant tooth structure remaining and with large fillings to support it.

Offering protection to a weak tooth from decay to keep it together and prevent it from breaking apart.

Dental crowns also help cover severely discolored teeth for cosmetic reasons. They are also beneficial to function as artificial teeth over dental implants or with dental bridges. In addition, a tooth rendered fragile from root canals inevitably needs a tooth crown for support.

How to Get Dental Crowns to Cover Your Damaged Tooth?

Visiting dental crowns in Dundas, ON, becomes necessary if you want a front tooth crown or crowns on any damaged tooth. The first visit is to inquire about the type of crowns you can have and prepare yourself to restore your damaged tooth. You can select from traditional or same-day crowns depending on whether you can spare the time needed from preparing your tooth until getting the final restoration and multiple appointments with the dentist.

During your first visit to the dentist in Dundas, Hamilton, ON, an examination is necessary with x-rays of the tooth and bone surrounding the area. Filing the tooth from the top and sides to accommodate the crown is also required. The prepared tooth needs protection with a temporary crown if you have traditional dental crowns requiring fabrication from dental laboratories. Impressions of your teeth taken after the preparation help dentists get your dental crown created in a laboratory requiring approximately three weeks.

The procedure for preparing your tooth is painful and causes some discomfort. The dentist at Royal East dental ensures you receive local anesthesia to manage the pain during the preparation when the filing of the top and sides of the affected tooth proceed. How much tooth structure removal is necessary depending on the kind of dental crown you have preferred for your tooth.

If your chosen metal crowns for placement over your molars, extensive tooth removal isn’t necessarily because the restorations are thinner. Unfortunately, if you need a front tooth restored and have chosen a tooth-colored crown made from porcelain or ceramic, you must endure significant tooth removal before the dentist takes impressions of your teeth.

Three weeks after the initial preparation, you revisit the dentist to have your permanent dental crown fixed on your teeth. The dentist begins the procedure by temporary crown removal and checks the permanent restoration’s color and fit. Next, all things being acceptable, the dentist cleans your teeth to ensure no bacteria remain trapped inside or below the crown. Using a special dental cement, the dentist finally bonds your customized dental restoration over your affected tooth.

How Long Is the Lifespan of Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns have a lifespan of around five to 15 years. The lifespan depends on the extent of wear and tear the crown must endure and how well you follow your dental hygiene regimen. Specific mouth-related habits also affect the lifespan of dental crowns. The practices include:

  • Clenching and grinding your teeth.
  • Biting your fingernails or chewing ice.
  • Using your teeth for purposes other than their designated roles.

Do Dental Crowns Require Special Attention?

The dental crown itself doesn’t require any special attention. However, you must remember protecting the underlying tooth from decay and gum disease remains your responsibility. Therefore you must continue to follow excellent oral hygiene practices besides visiting your dentist for six-monthly cleanings and exams. In addition, you must pay special attention to flossing the teeth around the crown area where the gum contacts your tooth.

Maintain your dental restoration as suggested in this article if you wish to enjoy the entire lifespan of your customized dental crown.