Dental Bonding in Dundas, Hamilton

Dental Bonding in Dundas, Hamilton

Are you unhappy with your teeth? Whether there’s a space you don’t like or you have dental damage, dental bonding can help you enjoy an improved and attractive smile. This treatment option helps to restore your teeth for a smile you’ll be proud of.

If you are interested in bonding near you, we encourage you to reach out to the specialists at Royal East Dental. Our beautiful dental bonding in Dundas, ON can help resolve your dental concerns and improve your quality of life.

When you choose us for your dental care, you have knowledgeable dentists near you who are committed to helping patients look their best.

If you would like to make an appointment to meet with our dentist in Hamilton, ON, contact your friends at Royal East Dental so we can help you choose the right treatment for your needs. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to meeting you!

What Is It?

Bonding is a safe and effective procedure that uses durable composite resin to fix teeth that are decayed, chipped, or spaced. During your dental appointment, our dentists will first apply the resin to your tooth in the form of a pliable, soft compound. This makes it easy for them to shape and mold the resin around your tooth.

This is followed by the use of special UV lighting, which helps to quickly harden the resin. Afterward, our dentists smooth out and polish the resin, leaving you with a complete, natural-looking smile.

As long as you maintain proper brushing and flossing, your new tooth can last a decade or longer. Dental bonding is a quick and easy treatment option that takes just 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.

When you come in for bonding, our dentists make sure that the composite resin closely matches your real tooth color to ensure that your smile looks completely natural.

Who Needs Bonding?

Our patients need bonding for many reasons. Below are the most common uses for bonding.

  • Reshape a broken or damaged tooth
  • Add strength to a weakened tooth
  • Brighten a dull, stained tooth
  • Fill in a space between teeth
  • Rebuild a worn-down tooth