Endodontics in Dundas, Hamilton

Endodontics in Dundas, Hamilton

“Endo” comes from the Greek word for inside, and “odont” comes from the Greek word for “tooth.” When you put them together, it translates to the inside of your tooth. Tooth pain is a telltale sign that you are experiencing a form of infection. Royal East Dental can help you with this through the use of endodontics.

From endodontic surgeries to different treatment options, we can restore the health of your teeth and provide services that prevent future issues as well.

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is a treatment focusing on the inside of your teeth. Inside the enamel or the hard outer shell of teeth, there is a nerve or the root. When the nerve becomes damaged, the infection can impact the rest of your oral health, cause pain, and needs to receive dental treatment immediately.

Your dentist in Dundas, Hamilton will remove the root to stop the infection from spreading. When you come in for endodontics near you, we can provide quick and efficient treatment to restore your smile, the health of your teeth, and to get you feeling yourself again.

Endodontic Treatments Include

We remove the infection from the tooth’s pulp chamber. This is where the nerve and soft tissue are housed. When they become infected and inflamed, it can create pain and discomfort. Tooth decay can quickly spread in these areas. Removing the infection involves a straightforward procedure that will utilize local anesthesia to prevent additional pain and discomfort.

Once the local anesthesia kicks in, we can safely remove the rest of the infection. A compound is put in its place to stop the disease from returning while also restoring the function of your tooth. There are different kinds of procedures that your dentist near you can suggest, including but not limited to:

  • Endodontic surgeries
  • Dental implants
  • Root canal
  • Endodontics retreatments
  • Traumatic dental injuries

Having one of these procedures done can restore and maintain your oral health and wellness.

Endodontics in Dundas can be as easy as calling Royal East Dental! We can answer any questions you may have about your oral health and schedule appointments to look into if endodontics would benefit you.