Dental Crowns in Dundas, Hamilton

Dental Crowns in Dundas, Hamilton

If you need knowledgeable dentists near you who can help you restore your teeth with dental crowns, we invite you to visit the experts at Royal East Dental. Our dedicated staff strives to provide the most beautiful crowns in Dundas, ON.

Dental crowns do more than just improve the appearance of damaged or decayed teeth. They also restore both the form and function of them, as well. If you are ready to find dental crowns near you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Royal East Dental so we can provide the care you need for a healthier smile.

To meet with our dentist in Dundas, ON so you can discuss the right treatment for your needs, give us a call. Our dedicated staff will be more than happy to schedule you with a consultation.

What Is It?

Crowns are dental caps that are shaped like real teeth. These caps are bonded over your damaged or decayed teeth, giving you new teeth that are designed to last for years. Dental crowns are made out of durable compounds that look and feel just real tooth enamel.

What’s more, your newly-repaired tooth will have additional strength to ensure that it doesn’t break or crack. Unlike fillings – which actually weaken the tooth – crowns make your tooth stronger.

If you have decayed or broken teeth, you have likely had to avoid certain foods for fear of pain or further damage. When you get dental crowns, you can safely return to eating the foods you love without compromise.

Who Needs Crowns?

Crowns are chosen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Restoring the form and function of a tooth
  • Protecting a tooth following a root canal
  • Repairing a badly decayed tooth
  • Strengthening a weak tooth

How Long Does Treatment Take?

In just a couple of hours, you can look forward to having your crown in place and functional. Our dentists make sure that your new crown matches your natural tooth color, as well, providing you with a seamless and natural-looking smile.

Contact Royal East Dental to schedule an appointment with our dentists. We look forward to serving you!